Christ College

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About Us

Christ College

Born out of the educational vision of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, an educationist and social reformer of the nineteenth century, Christ college is part of a century-old tradition of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). Christ is a prestigious institution committed to the upbringing of its students,

imparting a great deal of knowledge and inspiring its students to become men and women of integrity and worth. Christ College focuses on nurturing capable and confident youth. We mold our students to take their position in society as responsible and productive citizens.

Message from principal

Christ College is a philanthropic initiation in the field of education founded by Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871), a great Visionary and Social Reformer who initiated this group of educational institutions to enrich the masses with the light of knowledge. It is our committed mission to lead this college in the path of our founder, who envisioned education as a tool for liberation and development of the society.Being our inspiration, he envisioned the changes in the society and made strategic moves to build a better environment based on fatherhood of God and brotherhood of humanity.

Message from principal

Christ College is a philanthropic initiation in the field of education founded by Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871), a great Visionary and Social Reformer who initiated this group of educational institutions to enrich the masses with the light of knowledge.

It is our committed mission to lead this college in the path of our founder, who envisioned education as a tool for liberation and development of the society.Being our inspiration, he envisioned the changes in the society and made strategic moves to build a better environment based on fatherhood of God and brotherhood of humanity.

Our Vision

Wisdom for Wholeness

Our Mission

Christ College is an abode for human wholeness through its comprehensive and integrated approach to knowledge, providing personal growth, academic excellence and professional competence along with human values to make the society a better world.

Core Value

Trust in God
Personal Integrity
Social Commitment
Human Wholeness

Why Choose Us ?
